About us
We are a young cross-cultural family, living in Lithuania, where we create and experiment with life and our food [No mom, we’re not playing with our food just experimenting with it…]. Our names are Jonas and Kate.
And we both like food. You might say that it’s one of the many things that brought us together. But more on that later…
Why Cook Better Together?
First of all, food is magical: It [potentially] gives us all the vitamins, nutrients, etc. that we need to function and it tastes good! [If you think you don’t have anything to be thankful for, start with that…] But it doesn’t just taste good – each food item you eat has its own unique flavour, no matter how subtle or strong. When you slow down and enjoy the food you eat, bite by bite, you’ll started noticing that the ingredients – even those that are plain by themselves – are the building blocks for amazing yummy goodness …when in the right combinations and proportions.
Some of the examples: pancakes and blueberries, rice and butter, cheese and pretty much everything.
A while ago, Kate started making fun of the hashtag #BetterTogether, which was mostly used for cheesy couple photos on social media. One day, after timidly trying an uncommon combination of avocado with a certain canned fish and being floored by its taste, she suggested: “We should start a cooking blog and call it ‘Better Together.'” Obviously that name was taken, so we adapted the name to something better, in our opinion… Which brings us back to the food bringing us together part.
The second reason we decided to call the blog ‘Cook Better Together’:
Food is magical…for another reason. Do you often go over to a friend’s house without eating anything while you’re there? Do you celebrate the holidays without having some kind of special meal? What about birthday parties, graduation parties, or weddings? The majority of humanity’s celebrations, and many of our interactions, are centered around food. It connects us. Likewise, cooking that food together creates bonds and community.
We enjoy cooking, but we especially enjoy cooking with others. You can learn new tips from each other, try each other’s versions of a recipe, swap stories, have food fights along the way, and help each other grow.
The honest food blog
Most of what we’ll share here comes from family recipes, adaptations from the internet, and the suggestions of our friends. Neither of us has any professional training in the field of food preparation, which means that we don’t have a reputation to keep, so we’ll be frank about how well [or badly] our food turns out.
We want to challenge ourselves to try out new recipes, share some of our favourites, and cook better together through experience. [See what I did there?] Feel free to join us along the way, send us recipes, and get cooking 🙂
Who are we?

Kate is awesome and likes cheese.
Jonas is a dashing Lithuanian who writes content for websites.
We enjoy being a little awkward and cooking together.